Owner Profile

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Surung Sianipar  Director and Founder

Surung Sianipar was born in Kutacane, December 1971. Since 1994, he has been involved in the drilling industry and has undergone various trainings including AMC Drilling Fluid Training, Pengawasan Operasional Pertama (POP) Direktorat dan Lingkungan Mineral Batubara dan Panas Bumi. He started his career at PT. Maxidrill Indonesia and worked in South Africa till 2011. Finally, he founded a drilling and geological consulting company called PT SAMGEO BOR

Kurniawan Geologi

Kurniawan was born in Semarang in June 1977, he is an experienced person in his field and has been involved for quite long time, he has participated in various training in his field and no doubt on his ability. He joined PT. SAMGEO BOR in 2015